Monday 31 August 2015

Play like spy

Toronto-based collaborative duo Hopkins Duffield created a gaming environment running on Arduino Mega in which the player battles a laser wielding A.I. security system gone awry. It’s like being in an action movie, walking in a pitch black room filled with the hollow sound of a machine breathing and a series of red laser fences slicing through the fog-filled air!

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Arduino Verkstad has just started CTC* Catalunya 2015 in Barcelona with David Cuartielles preparing a group of 200 teachers that will be teaching CTC to students in Cataluña next September. A technology fair will be hosted at the end of the program and we are expecting more than 2500 people to attend.
Creative Technologies in the Classroom (CTC) is a collaborative learning curriculum designed for schools that wish to incorporate emerging technologies into their existing technology classes. It’s also a collection of experiments aimed at transforming the way technology is taught in schools around the world. These experiments introduce basic concepts in programming, electronics, and mechanics.These experiments introduce basic concepts in programming, electronics, and mechanics.

Monday 24 August 2015

Arduino projects discussion :

Hi everyone

i am back after some long time to my blog
hope you all visiters are also fine i am starting this post for those persons who are going to do arduino projects in future so they can openly come and discuss their problems and their solutions.
Any positive feedback and comments will be highly appreciated.

Umar Yasin

New IDE realease

Hi everyone

We've just released IDE 1.6.5. This release includes support to the new Arduino Zero and fixes to 470 issues (with many old ones)

Arduino Zero support is available through Boards Manager.

We also have a new editor, a serial monitor that stays open (disabled) while uploading, and a File > Open Recent menu showing the last 5 opened sketches.

The complete list of changes is available here.

The list of available unofficial boards support urls has grown to 18 and library manager lists 229 different libraries.

We hope you'll enjoy all the effort we put into the IDE

Any feedback is very much appreciated.

As said by federico who is software engineer @ Arduino

Friday 21 August 2015

Last July 7 at Wallops Flight Facility, NASA launched Black Brant IX , a suborbital sounding rocket to test “wireless-in-space” with XBee and Arduino :
Onboard the rocket was an experiment testing Exo-Brake technology. XBee was used to collect sensor data including temperature, air pressure, and 3-axis acceleration parameters. NASA is considering Exo-brakes as a possible solution for returning cargo from the International Space Station (ISS), orbiting platforms or as possible landing mechanisms in low-density atmospheres. This was one of many tests used to analyze its effectiveness, but the first to incorporate an XBee connected sensor network. If you would like to read more about the Exo-brake, check out this article.
As part of a program to determine potential applications of wireless technologies in space, NASA chose XBee® ZigBee modules and Arduino Mega